We have some fantastic news. Wednesday night March 10 we will be returning to in person youth group. Face masks will be required along with proper social distancing protocols. This will be a hybrid option, so we will provide a zoom link for those who do not feel comfortable being in the building. We will also have a new time for out hybrid option which will be from 6pm-7:30pm. In order to return I am going to need some parents to help me on the youth group nights. I will need at least one parent at every meeting. Please let me know when you would be willing to come and be a part of our youth group experience. You can contact me at dan@covenantcommunitypc.org
Lent Is Here
Hey Lent is upon us. There is a lot going on at CCPC. Go to the website and see all of the ways in which you can be involved. www.covenantcommunitypc.org.