What do you think of when you hear the term "Christmas Movie"? I know for me I think or endless number of Hallmark movies where two strangers, or former adversaries, save Christmas and fall in love all at the same time. The story of the first Christmas comes with quite a bit of drama. From Mary and her pregnancy, to the family having to escape to Egypt, and finally the genocide of a generation of baby boys. Jesus birth and young childhood were filled with drama. We have a Savior who can empathize with our needs. We all have drama in our lives. That drama can weigh us down heavily. Just know that we have a Savior who was surrounded by drama. He loves us and came so that we could be at peace with God the Father.
Hearts of Hope Volunteers Needed
We are still looking for help delivering the gifts for Hearts of Hope on December 19th. We will be doing this via curbside pick up. We are looking for volunteers to help deliver the gifts and food to the vehicles as they pull up. The pick up will be in the morning on December 19th. Please contact Dan Frost at Dan@covenantcommunitypc.org.
Schedule Updates
We will not be hosting Youth Group or any Sunday morning classes during the Christmas break
No ID or Confirmation on December 27, or January 3
No Youth Group December 29.
Please note these changes.